Mystical Living Qur’an: Resepsi Masyarakat Bismo Batang Terhadap Mushaf Al-Qur’an Kuno
Mysticism, Ancient Qur’anic Manuscripts, Bismo.Abstract
This study will question some of the mystical traditions surrounding the ancient Qur’an manuscriptsin the wali’s grave of BismoBatang Central Java Indonesia. This research takes the form of field research by completing the Living Qur’an studywhich aims to find the mystical views of the Bismo community on the existence of the Qur’anic manuscripts and the factors underlying them.The results of the study found that the Bismo community believes that the Manuscripts of Al-Qur’an in the Bismo tomb area are a relic of some wali’s who used to spread Islam in the area. Consequently, the historic site was finally accepted mystically by the public and marked by the emergence of a ritual called “istikharah” by opening the Al-Qur’an and the haul program depending on the results of the ritual istikharah by opening the Qur’an. Bismo mystical belief in the existence of Qur’anic manuscripts is influenced by myths about tradition called by “Nyunggi Qur’an”(carrying the qur’an) which is believed to have existed in the wali’s era. This phenomenon proves the occult tradition of the Bismo community in their respond to the Qur’an. The Qur’anic text which lives in the midst of society is mystically received through various ascetic rituals, so this practice can be said to be a Mystical Living Qur’anic phenomenon that develops in rural communities.References
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